Before you can ever worry about whether or not the sex will
be good (or, hopefully, great), or any of the other issues that I talk
about in my blog, the first step will always involve someone
starting things up. Between the time that you are thinking about
sex and actually having sex there is always this bridge you must
cross of INITIATING sex.
After all, if you can’t start the car, you can’t go for a
drive—and if you can’t get your woman turned on and “in the
mood,” then talking about the rest of what’s going on in your sex
life is a waste of time.
For most guys, this can be a pretty big issue because, unlike
any other aspect of becoming a confident and powerful
lover—initiating sex is the point where you risk “rejection.”
And rejection sucks.
But, as always, “knowledge is power,” and if you can get a
few simple ideas into your head and learn a few basic little things
that you can do, this never has to be an issue again and you will
be completely comfortable getting physical at any time with your
There are basically only two major situations where initiating
sex is an issue—
Situation #1 : The First Time You Have Sex With
A Woman
This is obviously a special circumstance because there are
all sorts of things going on that will determine whether or not you
are rejected that will not really be an issue after you get past that
first time.
These circumstances mostly include things that have
nothing to do with sex… like whether or not she trusts you enough
to be alone with you. Remember—for women, first-time sex is a
very different experience than for men. Because we are much
bigger and stronger and more aggressive than they are, they have
legitimate fears for their safety if they don’t know you well.
Another big issue that she may have regarding first-time sex
is her “reputation.”
Unfortunately, we live in a world with a very powerful double
standard. And chances are, no matter how cool and liberal you
may think you are (or conservative and closed minded for that
matter) you probably feel differently about men who regularly have
sex on the first date than you do about women who regularly have
sex on the first date.
Now I’m not placing any ethical judgment on it either way. I
have my opinions and other people can have theirs—but the
bottom line is, for women, having sex for the first time is a big
issue because she knows that you might lose respect for her
afterwards if she “gives in” too easily. This is simply her reality,
regardless of what YOUR opinion might be.
And, to be truthful, first-time sex is a special circumstance
for the man too.
You are much more likely to be nervous, to be unsure of
whether or not she is turned on, or if she likes you and trusts you
enough— and these issues and a bunch of other stuff will be
swirling around in your head.
They will affect the way you perform sexually, and they will
affect your ability to confidently initiate the action.
To be continued…
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