2-- Who says your strength and power lies in your body, that's the greatest mistake any woman can make .. Never build your confidence around your body, because with time that body will loose its youthfulness, which will eventually have a negative effect on your confidence and will power, instead build your confidence around the values and substance you possess deep inside you, equip your mind and soul with knowledge and intelligence, because they naturally attract respect to you...
3--The more a woman depends totally on a man, the weaker she becomes, as a lady learn to be independent, intellectually, financially, emotionally, socially and physically, for you to be respected never depend on any man for any of these vital things, because they are foundational fibers of life that must not be compromised in any way...
4--How challenging can you be, this also earns you some respect from the male folk, a man hates been challenged, and gets uncomfortable when his authority is been questioned, but he respects it when corrected..
Do not succumb to his egocentric power, rather counter it with your own gentle but tough womanly touch, never let any man shut you down, or render your opinion less important because you are a woman..
5---Your dress sense either attracts respect or attracts huge disrespect, learn to appear as appropriate as possible, little body exposure arouses only a polite and gentlemanly gaze or look, what you wear speaks before you do, so it is better to make it shout confidence , respect, self dignity and power, don't be a victim of the world's ideology on how a woman should look , talk , think and act....
The world as tried hard to shape the woman into a model, sex object, social symbol and so on, but it all depends on you as an individual, to change the way you approach life and the basic things around you..
6---Learn to always be yourself, especially in public, who says you must wear that feet breaking high heel shoes when you feel comfortable in the flat ones, who says that skirt must reveal so much, when you prefer to wear a smarter and better skirt..
Who has the right to tell you how fat you should get or how slim or thin you should be, the way you look must first satisfy you as a person and not the outside world, to be respected as a lady you need to have a mind of your own , do not let any one or the society mold you into what soothes their selfish and myopic view, just be yourself and let the power within you direct your steps, try all these and see the kind of LADY you become......
Click www.bjb-007.blogspot.com for more.
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