St. Peter's in Rome has one of the greatest collection of pagan symbols in the world.
The main altar at St. Peter's, Bernini's Canopy, has the symbols of the serpent, sun and moon worship, and male and female forms of sun rays. The altar has Pope Joane (the only female pope in history) depicted in pains of childbirth representing the birth of the sun god. Read more about the family system in pagan sun worship.
Other symbols of sun worship found in Catholicism include the solar wheel dating back to the time of the Chaldeans. It is found on virtually all cathedrals today. The square of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome consists of the largest solar wheel in the world. The square is circular and the wheel has eight spokes.
Moreover, in St. Peter's Square, there is a wheel within a wheel, which is a counterfeit of the mobile throne of God, as described by the prophet Ezekiel. As a counterfeit, it represents the throne of the Dragon who gives the Beast his seat and great authority.
In the center of the square is an obelisk, a phallic symbol dedicated to the worship of the sun. The Vatican is built on the hill where the temple of Janus the sun god stood. Alongside St. John's Lateran, which is the church where the Pope is crowned and where he speaks infallibly, is the obelisk of Tutmoses III, which was dedicated to Reharakti, the sun god.
Many other symbols of sun worship are used in Catholicism, such as halos, pagan crosses, lightning bolts, hand-signals from sun worship cults, tridents, the fleur-de-lis, and sexagesimal triangles with the eye of Horus.
Coptic shells, which in paganism served as a symbol of the cosmos, were also used, along with astrological signs. Globes serve as symbols of rulership of the universe, and pagan gods carried the globe. The largest globe in the world is on top of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
The Catholic Church also uses sacred heart symbols, sacred animal symbols, and fertility symbols such as pine cones. Pagan deities wore the pine cone on their crosier just as the popes do today.
Catholics also use prayer beads for repetitive prayers, even though the Bible admonishes, "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking" (Matthew 6:7).
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