Monday, October 8, 2012


Four Undergraduate students of the University of Port Harcourt, Ugonna, Ilyod, Tekana and Chidiaka, were brutally and barbarically murdered and set on fire by the residents and indigenes of Aluu Community in Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria. For more click here:

What was their crime?

Reports have it that they allegedly stole mobile phones and laptops.

There was no evidence to incriminate these young men, there were no weapons found on these young men.

These guys were paraded on the streets for hours before having their heads smashed with heavy clubs and sticks and then set on fire. To watch the video click here:

Where were the police and security operatives when the whole gruesome bloody drama was unfolding?

Let's assume that these guys were guilty, did they deserve what befell them in the hands of the Aluu Community?

If they deserve this for stealing phones and laptops, what then do our political leaders who steal billions of Naira daily?

Is this what we have to show the world?

Even the dreaded Boko Haram should be considered civilised in their approach to murdering people!

I am hurt, really pained, I weep tears of pain, hurt and sorrow.

We call ourselves a religious people, Muslims and Christians, yet its so obvious that we are a hypocritical people?

The crowd that stood, watched and video taped the gory manslaughter of these promising young men, were not most, if not all of them Christians? Born agains that is we are not careful.

I weep for this Nation, Nigeria, land of my birth!

We are quick to condemn the grotesque brutality of Northerners under the frontiers of Boko Haram, describing them as demonic. We even go as far as saying that Islam is a bloody religion, but look at what southerners do to their fellow brothers! Who is more bloody or demonic?

Oh, where have we gotten this heartless spirit of killing from? We are yet to get over the murder of 43 students in Mubi, Adamawa state?

What is happening to our once beloved country???

Why are our youths now and ever increasingly becoming blood thirsty?

Who is to blame?

I blame our leaders, political and religious leaders. I also blame each and everyone of ourselves!

Do we really need anyone to tell us that killing a fellow human being without just cause is EVIL?

What is the state of security in our country?

What is the state of our minds? Are we now mad people?

Oh, I feel pain! Can the murderers of these young men make a single strand of hair, let alone human life?

I grieve with the families of these young students.

To the Aluu Community, you have committed an abomination and God will be far from you all.

The blood of those four boys will haunt you all till only God knows when!

I see those four young men in Paradise with God, God is most merciful and all forgiving.

I cry, I weep, I wail, I lament for the mothers of these boys!

This is a challenge for the President, Goodluck Jonathan and the State Governor, Rotimi Amaechi... Just as Pilate washed his hands to show that he supported not the murder of christ... To fish out the perpetrators of this dastardly act and put them to the sword. The murders deserve nothing but death themselves!

Show your support for the execution of justice, click like, comment, share, copy and paste this post...which ever way you choose.

I go on my kness with a heart sobbe, sad and pale and beg God to remember this Great country Nigeria.

The blood shed is too much, this is not a country that I would want my unborn kids to experience.

Oh Lord, have you forsaken us?

Lord, for how long will you be silent?

I am fast loosing the love I once had for my motherland.

Boodogay Gao Dein.

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