Sunday, December 19, 2010

Money is not the main factor in attracting women.

A lot of guys are also convinced that having a lot of money is necessary for
success with women, especially if you don’t have great looks.
This is very untrue.
Women have evolved to feel attraction for men with power.
Money is a form of power, but depending on how it is used, it could even
make you seem inferior to other men!
Women are attracted to men who seem to hold the promise of awesome
genes that can be passed on in perpetuity. “Awesome genes” mean genes
that can create offspring that will eventually attract the best. This is an endless cycle, for the progeny then carry on the legacy of sexiness, attracting the best
sex partners in every generation.
A man who makes a lot of money seems to be a man whose genes have
enabled him to figure out how to do this. Those same genes may likely
enable his children to have the same ability, a legacy of his DNA.
50 don’t be a pathetic guy. You should be passionate about your
ambitions and dreams and goals, and you should go for them with
everything you’ve got. Passion, backed up by a serious plan, is sexy.
Most of what holds people back is fear. That is why fear is so unsexy,
especially for a man. Fear means being held down from all you can be.
What is considered sexy to women is all about survival and power.
That’s why money is sexy to a certain degree.
But remember it is ONLY ONE SOURCE OF POWER, and an indirect
one at that. It is very possible that the money will be gone and/or was
acquired in a way that has nothing to do with his ability.
“The fact that many women marry for money means NOTHING in terms
of their attraction. Many women marry a man they don’t care about for
money and security, but will have sex and even children with the man they
truly desire. When a man uses money to impress a woman, it signals to the
woman that he has nothing else sexy about him.”
So don’t be so thrilled about money on its own.
Henry Kissinger, the famous American Secretary of State, once said
“Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac”. Yet when wealthy men use their wealth
in a way that shows they believe they have nothing else, (kissing up to a
woman by buying her things all the time, etc.) these men DESTROY THEIR
“It is not so much a man’s actual possession of wealth in and of itself that
has any sex appeal, but rather it is his power to amass riches.”
And certainly, spending your money on a woman does not mean you have
any power, especially if she knows you DON’T have a lot of money.
Then it just means you are kissing her ass (SIGN OF WEAKNESS, NOT
POWER) and giving up your hard-earned cash for her exploitative ass.
Even a billionaire, if he shows WEAKNESS, or any ass-kissing
tendencies, he will appear powerless in her mind, extremely NONmasculine,
So as far as money goes, DO YOUR BEST to make a lot of cash, but all
that really matters to most women is that you are not limited in your life
because of a lack of money.
In other words, if working at the checkout at McDonald’s is your grand
vision of the future, you won’t seem sexy, to say the least.
There’s no good or bad here, just simple evolution. If women evolved to
like men with no power in any form, be it looks, wealth, courage, or any
other power, women would then have children who would starve to death
from no food or money, or their children would have no qualities to
eventually attract sex mates. In essence, these women would have their
genes wiped out from the genetic pool.
If you don’t have money, you should be in the process of making it.
A good rule of thumb is to pursue something that you love and market it
on a massive scale. I know that is an oversimplification, but it’s true.
You can lie to women about your economic standing, and usually get
them into bed with the lie, but why not just really be a man and do
something about this to make a respectable amount of money so you won’t
have to lie. That way, you can be totally congruent since you will know it’s
true, and you will have even more success with women.
Women find men without ambition to be mentally weak, for these men
seem to possess a lack of power even in the future.


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