Saturday, December 25, 2010

There's More Than One Reason to Have Sex

When I ask people why they have sex, most often they say, “Because it feels
good.” However, if you really think about it, there are dozens of reasons why
people have sex: Different people, in different relationships, in different
situations, and different stages of life all have sex for different reasons. Following
is a list (in no particular order) of some reasons why people have sex. By putting
an X next to those that apply to you, use this as a worksheet to help yourself
decide which are good reasons for you to have sex and which are bad reasons.

Why Should You Have Sex?

1. Because You Are in Love
2. Because It's Part of Your Commitment
3. To Get Pregnant
4. Because You Feel Lust
5. To Feel Younger
6. To Feel More Mature
7. To Make Your Partner Feel Desired
8. To Put on a Show for the Neighbors
9. To Have an Orgasm
10. To Relieve Tension
11. To Help Fall Asleep
12. To Make Someone Jealous
13. To Please Someone
14. To Cheat
15. To Feel Sexy
16. To Procrastinate
17. To Make Up After a Fight
18. For Experience
19. To Feel Powerful
20. To Get Over Boredom

21. To Try New Positions
22. Because You Are in an
23. Interesting Location
24. For Money
25. Because You Have a Big Crush
26. To Get Over a Big Crush on Someone Else
27. To Talk About It Later
28. For Physical Pleasure

Sex will be truly amazing if you have sex for the reasons that make you feel fulfilled. Some people have sex for reasons that are wrong for them, before they realize that sex is better when they do it for the right reasons. If you give some serious thought to what makes sex the best for you, and stick to a
goal of trying to have sex under those conditions, you'll be happier with your sex life.


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